Access to and Working in a Live Signalling Location

The aim of the course is to equip participants with the required knowledge to access and work safely in live signalling locations within the Sydney Trains network.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Define the purpose of a Signalling System
  • Define ACCESS to LIVE locations
  • Define WORKING in LIVE Locations
  • Understand the importance of: 
  • Not interfering with signalling circuits and equipment
  • Incident reporting
  • Keys and secturity of signalling locations
  • Working close to live signalling circuits and equipment.

Course Duration: 1 day

Delivery Method: Face to Face

Cost: $425 + GST

Location: JMDR Training Centre, Level 3, 263 Clarence St, Sydney, 2000

Assessment Method: Written Assessment

Upon sucessful completion of this course all candidates will recieve a JMDR Statement of Completion. This certificate  is recognised by the TfNSW realm. Candidates who complete the course but do not pass the written assessment will be issued a statement of attendance. 

Candidates wishing to gain a Sydney Trains Certificate of Competence (allowing them to undertake work in a live location) must also be assessed against Sydney Trains Competency Assessment Tool - MN S 43002.


COVID Notice

All participants who attend JMDR training will be required to complete a questionnaire to confirm the following:

  • You have not received a positive test for Covid-19 in the last 7 days
  • You do not live with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or who has Covid-19 symptoms in the last 7 days
  • You are not currently experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms

For any queries regarding these matters please contact